REFIR data products and results
Contact: Giovanni Bianchini, Istituto Nazionale di Ottica (INO-CNR), Via Madonna del Piano 10, 50019 Sesto Fiorentino (I) Tel. +39.055.522.6309, Fax. +39.055.522.6348
REFIR-PAD will supply the following products:
- Raw measurement data (level 0), consisting in double sided
interferograms corresponding to +/- 12.5 mm of optical path
difference, measured on the two instrument channels, the metrology
laser fringes acquired simultaneously to the interferograms, and the
auxiliary data (webcam images, radiometers, housekeeping temperatures
including the reference blackbody sources, and weather station data).
- Unapodized, radiometrically and frequency calibrated downwelling
radiance spectra (level 1). These specta contain information on the
radiative effect of water vapor, carbon dioxide, ozone and clouds in
the far-middle infrared range (100 to 1500-1800 cm-1). In the range of
100-400 cm-1 these measurements are unique. Expected radiometric
uncertainty, in terms of brightness temperature, is about 0.1K (@
- Geophysical products (level 2): water vapour and temperature
vertical profiles and total precipitable water vapour (PWV), cloud
extinction in the far-middle infrared. Expected uncertainty for PWV is
about 5%-10%.
An archive of the quicklook plots of the REFIR-PAD measurements can be found here: